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International Women's Day (IWD) is an annual day marked since 1911 (celebrated on 8th March) dedicated to celebrating the cultural, economic and political achievements of women throughout history and all across the globe. It is a focused time marking a call to action for furthering gender parity and women's rights, and it is for everyone – of any gender and identity, culture and background, to embrace and be part of. Everyone is invited to get involved. 


In conjunction with International Women’s Day 2023, the Faculty of Design, LASALLE College of the Arts presents Women in Design Week 2023 - Voices for a Creative Future, from 13 to 17 March 2023.

The objective of this event is to provide a platform for female creatives to share and discuss their creative journeys and pursuits as a knowledge exchange, inspirational guidance and mentorship opportunities. 


The percentage of women working and studying in design or in the creative fields has risen in the last few years. However, as many would agree, women are still not as well represented in some discipline areas. We hope to give voice to the current design/creative leaders and support young female creatives to be more prominent and visible in whatever areas they pursue.




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Meet our team
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Dean, Faculty of Design
Nur Hidayah Abu Bakar

Nur is the Dean of the Faculty of Design at LASALLE College of the Arts. As a design educator in Singapore for more than 20 years, Nur has been instrumental to the transformation of LASALLE’s Faculty of Design into a leading faculty for Southeast Asia. She is passionate in working on design capability programmes and led the research and study of design cultures in contemporary cities. Today, Nur continues to serve as an expert on various boards and committees in Singapore.


See Nur in:

By Design: Women in the Industry for an Inclusive Future

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Head, School of Design Communication
Dr Nadine Ouellet

Nadine Ouellet is a Canadian-born designer and educator. She has taught and practiced design communication on three continents and won international acclaim for her work in the process. Her design work has been presented in international solo and group exhibitions in Canada, France, Poland, Japan, Korea, and the USA. Her design practice focuses on experimental typography and visual language, and her research delves into critical design practices and education. She holds an MFA in Graphic Design from Yale University. Nadine is currently the Head of the School of Design Communication at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.


See Dr Nadine in:

What is Design to Me?

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Lecturer, Fashion
Daniela Monasterios Tan

Daniela Monasterios Tan is a fashion researcher and curator, whose work aims to highlight the cultural and social significance of fashion. Her work is often multidisciplinary and collaborative in nature, and delves into the performative aspect of dress. In 2012, she co-founded Mash-Up with Nat Ng and Shaf Amis’aabudin. In 2019, she began a fashion podcast In The Vitrine with fellow fashion researcher Dr. Nadya Wang and experimental Art+Fashion collective A Stubborn Bloom with artist Stephanie J Burt.


See Daniela in:

The Joys and Difficulties of Forging an Independent Practice

Meet our team B
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Lecturer, Fashion
Dr Nadya Wang

Nadya Wang is the editor of Art & Market (A&M) and Fashion & Market (FAM), which feature practices and processes within the Southeast Asian art and fashion communities respectively. She is the host of From A to Zig-Zag, a podcast spotlighting creative practices in the region, and co-host of the vodcast In the Vitrine which ruminates on the business, culture and pleasures of fashion in Asia and beyond. Nadya has been a full-time lecturer at LASALLE College of the Arts since 2014. In 2022, she was awarded a PhD in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art.


See Dr Nadya in:

By Design: Women in the Industry for an Inclusive Future

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Lecturer, Design Communication
Joselyn Sim

Joselyn Sim lectures in the School of Design Communication in the Diploma, BA and MA programmes since 2003. From 2007 to 2015, having lived and worked in Hong Kong and Australia in early 2000, she helmed the position of Creative Head in a content provider company in Hong Kong that specialises in global branding. Her current research interests draw connections between generational studies in Singapore, as well as advertising & social media trends. She has represented the industry in exhibitions and international conferences; and has published several academic papers to headline the role of Design Education.


See Joselyn in:

Dreams Taking Flight

Meet our team C
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Lecturer, Design Communication
Yasser Suratman

Student, Design Communication
NOJO (Nora Jo)

Yasser Suratman lectures at LASALLE’s School of Design Communication, where his research interest centers on the role of the city as a collaborator. He was awarded The Creative Industries Scholarship by DesignSingapore Council in 2007 to read MFA at Yale University School of Art. In 2014, he co-led "Cities and Their Theses" an exhibition that showcased critical interpretation of modern urbanism by various artists, designers and makers, an extension of the inter-institutional initiative –"Linking Cities, Designing Experiences project”. He contributed “Design in Absence of Specificity” paper for the “The Theory and Reality of Convergence in Arts: Korea-Singapore Joint International Conference on Arts and Design Interdisciplinary Studies” in 2015.


See Yasser in:

Creatives of the Future: Creative Partnerships

NOJO (Nora Jo) is a graphic designer with a background in fashion media and communication. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Design Communication at LASALLE College of the Arts exploring topics of design ontologies, gender and identity. Inspired by feminist ideologies, she looks to delve into the disruption of perspectives and critical introspection on Singapore’s creative landscape.


Nora is the project manager of the Women in Design week 2023 – Voices for a Creative Future organised by Faculty of Design, LASALLE College of the Arts.


See NOJO in:

Finding Identity in Clay | Designing Type with Linocut

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